English Language and Literature

About Department

Dr. Nancy Al-Doghmi

Head of English Department


The English Department was established in 1976.  It provides courses in language, linguistics, literature, comparative literature, translation, and writing.  It also provides major and minor English programs. <span style="font-size: 12.16px; line-height: 1.3em;">In addition to the B.A. in  English Language and Literature, the Department offers two M.A. English programs: Language and Linguistics, and Literature and Criticism. M.A. students can follow one of two study tracks: The Thesis Track or The Comprehensive Exam Track.  There are about 300 M.A. students in the two tracks, and about 1000 B.A. students. The Department used to offer until 2010 an M.A program in Translation. This program was moved then to the newly established Translation Department.

There are 26 faculty members in the Department, most of them got their MA's and Ph.D's in British or American universities.  The faculty members also participate in the courses and language services which Queen Rania Centre for Consultations and Community Services offers to the local community.  Such courses cover English for engineers, English for physicians, English for bank officials, and English in many other occupational fields.
One of the major academic events held by the Department is its bi-annual international conference which covers language, linguistics, literature and translation. Holding this conference was suspended in 2010 due to financial reasons.  In addition, the Department hosts a number of one-day seminars on topics of close relevance to the courses in the B.A. and M.A. programs.

The teaching plan of the B.A. program has been reviewed and updated with courses and topics which meet new developments in language, linguistics, and literature.  The new plan has been offered to 2008 students.  Language courses in the 2008 plan are enhanced by e-learning programs which provide free access to electronic programs that focus on listening, pronunciation, speaking, note-taking, reading, and  cultural studies that familiarize the students with cultures of other peoples through the medium of English.
The department's BA and MA graduates constitute a sizable proportion of the faculty members (MA and Ph.D. holders) in English and Translation departments at many Jordanian universities like Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), Philadelphia U and Jadara U.





The department aspires to achieve distinction in teaching, scientific research and student services through offering high-level academic programs and graduating skilled generations of students that possess science, knowledge and the ability to cope with modern developments and to compete at the local and regional levels.




  • The Department seeks to achieve the following goals
  • To contribute to the improvement of higher education in English Language and literature, Literary Criticism and Linguistics.
  • To Send distinguished students on scholarships to the best US universities to obtain Ph.D. degrees in Literary Criticism, Literature, and Linguistics.
  • To Appoint competent faculty members that can contribute to continued graduation of excellent students.
  • To Foster ties with other departments of English and Literature in Jordanian and foreign universities for the benefit of faculty members and students.
  • To Develop study plans and programs in the Department to suit recent developments.
  • To Focus on encouraging scientific research through sponsoring research proposals and facilitating publishing of papers.
  • To Participate in scientific conferences and seminars in order to get acquainted with new scientific findings.
  • To Sign agreements with American universities for the sake of establishing joing Ph.D. programs in English Literature and Linguistics.


  • Focusing on sponsoring graduate students and appointing competent faculty members in order to inject new blood in the Department.
  • Revising some courses in the study plans  and add new courses that might help improve students' competence in the work field, e.g. listening, speaking and writing.
  • Revising MA programs regarding:
  1. Number of students in the various sections not to exceed 25 under any circumstances.
  2. Introducing an admission example and allocate 25% of the points for it.
  3. Reintroducing the Basic Examination for the Thesis track in the MA programs.
  4. Revising the Reading List for the Comprehensive Exam MA programs at regular intervals.
  5. Encouraging students to follow the Comprehensive Exam track because relatively few students go for this track.
  6. Revising regularly the study plans.
  7. Implement all regulations regarding proposals, supervision and discussion of MA theses.
  8. Introducing common grounds and criteria for theses evaluation and discussion.
  9. Seeking retired faculty members' help regarding thesis supervision and discussion.


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When the University was established in 1976, the then Faculty of Arts and Science included specializations in science, arts, economics, and administrative sciences. The departments of Arabic, English, Humanities and Social Sciences were the core of the Faculty of Arts, which was established in 1981.

Contact Us

  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  Art.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  027211111 (2900)
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