Modern Languages

About Department


Dr.Mona Banibaker

Head of Modern Languages Department


The department of Modern Languages was founded in the academic year 1984/1985  because of the desperate need of Jordanian society to qualified graduates of French language and other supportive languages such as Spanish, Italian, German, and Russian. In addition, the department meets the students of other faculties at the university who wish to study certain courses  in modern languages.

The department offers BA in French language and minor specialization in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Russian for the students of Arabic, English, Translation and all the departments in the Mass Communication Faculty. Elective courses in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Korean, Chinese, and Russian are offered for all university students to give them the chance to learn new languages and cultures.

An M.A. program in French linguistics has been established in the academic year 2010/2011 in cooperation with Nant University. Another agreement with the Francophone University agency has been signed to foster collaboration with Francophone University in the Middle East region.

The number of the academic staff in the department is 12 members distributed as follows:

French instructors: (1) full professor, (2) associate professors, (1) assistant professor, (5) lecturers, (1) full time lecturer working according to the agreement between Yarmouk University and the French Embassy.

German instructors: (1) Full professor.

Italian instructors: (1) full time lecturer working according to the agreement between Yarmouk University and the Italian Embassy.

The department also has (1) teaching assistant and (1) lab technician.

Currently,  the department has 262 students. A scholarship is annually granted to study at Leon University in France for one semester. The department offers also a number of Extracurricular activities in cooperation with a number of European embassies in Jordan particularly the French embassy in Amman which hold the Francophone week every year.





  • Providing graduates with the adequate knowledge to learn modern languages and the necessary principles of conducting scientific research.
  • Building bridges with other departments, faculties, and universities locally, regionally and internationally.
  • Building students’ personalities to enable them for creativity, challenge, self-learning, teamwork, and openness to other cultures.
  • Qualifying students to work in different relevant areas.
  • Fostering relations with local, regional, and international institutions.



  • To establish a Master Program coincides with the linguistic and academic needs of the students.
  • To revive the teaching of German, Russian, Italian and Spanish as major, minor or double major specializations.
  • To improve the academic performance of the teaching staff in the department through participating in workshops and training courses.
  • To achieve linguistic excellence for students through participating in the short-term scholarships and the cultural and linguistic activities held by the department.
  • To introduce new languages to the department.
  • To promote cultural relationships with local, regional and international universities.


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When the University was established in 1976, the then Faculty of Arts and Science included specializations in science, arts, economics, and administrative sciences. The departments of Arabic, English, Humanities and Social Sciences were the core of the Faculty of Arts, which was established in 1981.

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  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  027211111 (2900)
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